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Carlisle & Hampton Hill Federation

HHJS Latest News



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  • International Languages Day 2023

    Published 22/11/22

    We have a diverse school community which includes many families with a home language other than English, we are lucky to currently have 38+ languages spoken at HHJS.  Languages are not just important for communication, they are also key in learning about cultures, they increase job opportunities and help us stay connected to our roots.  

    Please click on the presentation below to see slides presented by our Young Interpreters.  We hope you are able to explore and learn about each other through these language presentations. 

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  • Christmas Concerts 2022

    Published 13/12/22

    Last week we held our annual Christmas concerts at St James's Church. Thank you to Mrs Humphries, all the staff and children for their wonderful efforts. Thank you also to all the parents and carers who came along to support these wonderful events. We are very proud of all the children. Please take a look at our Pupil Photo Gallery to see more pictures.

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  • Young Interpreters

    Published 29/11/22

    Our Young Interpreters Have Made the News!

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  • Junior Travel Ambassador Poster Competition

    Published 22/11/22

    Terrific Travel Champion Poster

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  • HHJS Blog - 4th July 2022

    Published 12/07/22

    Our School Garden in the Summer!

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  • HHJS Weekly Blog 16th May 2022

    Published 24/05/22

    It has been a very busy week at HHJS this week, Y6 were visited by the Orange Tree Theatre Group, Mrs Jones held the first monthly book clubs for all year groups, the choir took part in a singing festival workshop, the children have been collecting stickers for Walk to School Week and Mrs Bandealy and Mrs Wood held a wonderful International Diversity Day on Thursday.

    It has been the first time since the pandemic that we have been able to invite parents in for this event and it was a huge success. Children dressed in traditional dress and there was some wonderful food to try. Please take a look at our pupil gallery for more pictures.

    Our learning behaviour for this term is Adventure and this week we focused on making connections in our learning.

    Our word of the week was 'Enhance'.

    Our language of the week was Turkish.

    Congratulations to 6B for being the healthiest class this week.

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  • HHJS Blog 9th May 2022

    Published 24/05/22

    Well done to all our Year 6 students who took their SATs exams this week. They have worked extremely hard and we are very proud of them all. We hope they enjoyed their trip to Bushy Park on Friday afternoon to celebrate the end of SATs week!

    Also this week we held our book fair, thank you to everybody that has supported this and purchased a book either online or after school in the playground.

    Our new adventure playground is really taking shape, we hope to be able to let the children use it very soon. We will let you know as soon as it is ready and hope to have a grand opening before the end of this half-term. Once again thank you to everybody that helped fundraise for this project.

    Our learning behaviour this week continues to be Adventure and taking risks in our learning.

    Our word of the week is 'Intense' - If you describe an activity as intense you mean that it is very serious and concentrated and often involves doing a great deal in a short time.

    Our language of the week is Urdu.

    Congratulations to 6W for being the healthiest class this week and to 5J for winning this week's kindness cup. 

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  • HHJS Weekly Blog - Monday 2nd May 2022

    Published 10/05/22

    We have been delighted to welcome so many parents back into school this week. Mrs Bandealy hosted our Multilingual Parents Coffee Morning, Mrs Jones held a Parent Reading Workshop and Mrs Wrigglesworth and Mrs Bannister held a parent's coffee
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  • HHJS Weekly Blog - Monday 25th April 2022

    Published 10/05/22

    This week has been very busy at HHJS! - Year 4 and year 5 begin their swimming lessons at Hampton Pool and the sun was shining!  - We were fortunate to have a visit from the Gumboot Dancing Workshop who held sessions for the children invol
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  • HHJS Book Club - Book Worms

    Published 10/05/22

    We are very excited to announce the launch of our very own HHJS Book Club called Bookworms! If your child would like to join in this fun, informal monthly club, please encourage them to come along. There is no cost for this club, we just want to o
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