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Carlisle & Hampton Hill Federation

HHJS Weekly Blog - Monday 23rd May 2022

Jubilee Celebrations & Adventure Playground Opening!

We have come to the end of the first half of the summer term, and we were delighted to be able to celebrate by holding a Jubilee tea in the playground on Thursday afternoon and welcoming children and parents to be part of the official opening of the new adventure playground. Thank you to everybody that stayed to see this. (More photos can be found in the pupil gallery)

The children had a wonderful time dressed in red, white and blue and are making excellent use of the new adventure playground. Thank you again to everybody that was involved in the fundraising for this wonderful additional to our playground. 

Also this week:

Our language of the week was Italian. Please take a look at our pupil gallery to see pictures of our language of the week lunchtime club taking place.

Our word of the week was "platinum".

Our healthiest class this week was 6W.

The kindness cup was awarded to 4H this week.

Our learning behaviour this week was Adventure and learning to question ideas and processes.