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Carlisle & Hampton Hill Federation


As a result of a whole school teacher and parent/carer survey and focus groups we have reviewed homework at Hampton Hill Junior school.

We focus on the key skills of spelling, reading and multiplication tables. These elements are a foundation of their learning, which is why we are now focussing on them for homework activities.

The Governors and staff at HHJS believe that homework is an important aspect of a child’s education. Research has shown that parental involvement in a child’s education has a significant positive effect on educational achievement.

Homework is encouraged throughout the school. To be most effective parents, carers, staff and children need to understand its purpose:

  • To develop independent learners
  • To reinforce the work taught in school
  • To inform the parent/carer about their child’s learning
  • Good practice for transition to secondary school
  • To encourage the parent/ carer to become involved with their child’s learning

Homework is communicated through your child's Home School diary.