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Carlisle & Hampton Hill Federation

Fundraising Events

November 2022 - Discos

The PTA are organising two discos at the beginning of November with a Halloween and Firework theme. Ticket sales are going well and we hope the children will all have a great time! 

October 2022 - Christmas Cards and Tea Towels

Although it is still only October the children have been busy drawing their self-portraits for the Christmas tea towels. The PTA have also run lunchtime sessions for the children to design their Christmas Card artwork. More details of how to purchase these items will be sent out soon. 

March 2022 - Playground Fundraising

Thank you to Nicola Gilbert (4D parent) who has organised two theatre trips to raise money for the refurbishment of our adventure playground. Over £800 has been raised. Thank you to everyone who has purchased tickets.

February 2022 - Playground Fundraising

Thank you to all the Year 5 parents who organised a Valentines Day cake sale, our first cake sale in over 2 years! There were lots of delicious cakes on offer and £183 was raised!

Thank you Simone and Kirsten for organising a second hand uniform sale in the playground before half term, over £50 was raised!

Sunday 17th October 2021 - Playground Fundraising

We are so grateful to Mrs Appleyard's son who completed the Cambridge Half Marathon on Sunday 17th October. Thank you to everyone who has donated, Chris has managed to raise over £750 for our new adventure playground!