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Carlisle & Hampton Hill Federation

Rainbow Maths

At HHJS we are committed to helping the children develop and practice their fluency skills in maths. 
Rainbow Maths is one of many ways in which we facilitate this. 
Whilst the children generally find Rainbow Maths to be exciting, we are aware that some children can, at times, find it stressful. 
Class teachers have put in place a number of strategies for the children who find it more difficult, to help them to achieve success. 
If your child has any worries in regard to this, please do feel able to communicate directly with their class teacher, so that they can put individual adaptations/ changes in place to reduce any stress or worries. 
The children will be given their worksheet to take home to practice each week. This will give them the best chance of passing their level. If they are stuck on a particular level for a lengthy period of time (more than a half term), support will be provided to help them progress.​
It is also important to mention that class teachers don't have the capacity to teach things on the Rainbow Maths sheet which are in advance of the level of a child's current year group. 
This mostly applies to Planet Maths. If this is the case, please do feel able to ​go over any queries they have at home with them. 
Below are the pass marks: 
  • ALL JUNGLE red, orange and yellow  = 2 mistakes 
  • green, blue, indigo and violet = 1 mistake 
  • PLANET maths = no mistakes 
  • If a child passes EVERY level, they can start again and complete in 5 minutes with NO MISTAKES