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Carlisle & Hampton Hill Federation

Pupil Voice & Leadership

Why is it Important?

It is beneficial to the whole community and also individuals as it provides a basis for improving important life sills such as: speaking and listening skills, teamwork, problem-solving, moral reasoning skills, self-esteem and self-confidence.

It also: 

  • Gives the children a voice to have their view heard
  • Allows everyone’s original ideas to be heard
  • Allows us to come up with creative ideas for whole school charity events
  • Helps make the school a better place
  • Helps children and supports them with their worries
  • Allows us to listen to ideas from the children in our classes
  • Allows us to sort out school problems and try to come up with solutions

We have many other pupil leadership roles in school including:

  • Sports Leaders
  • Office Messengers
  • Assembly Monitors
  • Recycling Monitors
  • Wet Play Monitors
  • Display Monitors
  • Music Leaders
  • Chicken Monitors
  • Garden Leaders
  • Pupil Parliament Representatives
  • Lunch Hall Monitors
  • Peer Mentors
  • Junior Travel Ambassadors
  • Library Monitors
  • Mental Health Champions
  • Friendship Buddies

For more information about our Mental Health Champions, Friendship Buddies and School Caring Cup, please click on the Wellbeing section to the right of this page.