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Hampton Hill Junior School

HHJS Latest News



Page 5

  • Playground Fundraising - Theatre Trip

    Published 08/03/22

    HHJS Family Theatre Trip

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  • Playground Fundraising - Thank You!

    Published 08/03/22

    Pupil Fundraising Efforts

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  • February Fundraising

    Published 16/02/22

    Fundraising in February 2022

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  • Team Mates News - England Rugby

    Published 02/02/22

    Back in early February 2022 England Rugby visited a morning training session run by Team Mates.....

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  • Team Mates - Tag Rugby Match

    Published 16/01/22

    Tag Rugby Match - December 2022

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  • Year 4 Tudor Day

    Published 07/12/21

    Year 4 held a fantastic Tudor day last week. Children and teachers dressed up in Tudor outfits and ate Tudor lunches! All the children took part in a Tudor workshop, to see some pictures please visit our pupil gallery that can be found on the Pupil page of the website.

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  • HHJS Blog - 29th November 2021

    Published 03/12/21

    This week Year 5 visited the Science Museum!

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  • Children in Need Day

    Published 30/11/21

    Children in Need Day 2021

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  • Remembrance Day 2021

    Published 30/11/21

    2021 Poppy Appeal

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  • Junior Travel Ambassador Scheme

    Published 24/11/21


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